Serve With Us
At Mary Immaculate, all are welcome to serve in our ministries.
We can’t wait to serve with you, as we walk with others on their journey to Christ.

Since 1959, Mary Immaculate has been a beacon of Christ’s light in the Dallas area. Here, we recognize the profound maternal nature of our faith, reflecting the nurturing and compassionate qualities of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We strive to embody her example of selfless love, kindness, and care for one another, creating an environment where every person feels welcomed and supported.
From assisting with Liturgical celebrations and Sacramental preparation to outreach programs, you can have a profound impact on the lives of those we serve. We invite you to explore the various volunteering opportunities available and discover where your talents and passions align with the needs of our parish. Join us in building a community that radiates the maternal, spirit-filled love of Christ to all who seek solace, guidance, and belonging.
Youth and Young Adult Groups
Youth Group
Mary Immaculate would love to have vibrant young adults leading our teens to Christ, contact us if you are interested.
Young Adult
Mary Immaculate has two Young Adult Groups. The Vineyard is for college-aged young adults seeking community. If you are interested in volunteering at the Vineyard, contact us. YPO is a group of those in their 20s and 30s who explore life, meaning, and truth. Contact us here.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
We are trying to bring back the Blood of Christ at all Masses and need more volunteers! If you are interested in becoming an EM, contact us.
Mary Immaculate extends a warm welcome to all people worshiping with us. If you would like to help welcome people into the Church and their seats, contact us.
Music Ministry
St. Augustine said, “To sing is to pray twice.” Join us for rehearsals on Thursday evenings from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. Contact us if you are interested!
Parish-Wide Ministries
Medical Ministry
We provide medical assistance to parishioners who become ill or injured at Mass. If you have EMS/Nursing/ Mid-level/Physician experience, contact us.
Greeter Ministry
Greet people on their way into Mass on Sundays! Contact us.
We are dedicated to creating a Safe Environment. For more information on how to become Safe Environment Cleared, click here.