Upcoming events

Armor of God

Armor of God

Do you enjoy our nights of healing and the prayerful atmosphere? Do you wish there was more time with our prayer teams to receive the healing and blessings you need? This event is for you!

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Enter In! Bible Study

Enter In! Bible Study

Join us Monday evenings in the Parish Office Conference Room to build community while studying the upcoming Sunday Gospel. You will learn more about the passage, discuss the good news and the challenges to living it. You will leave with an idea of how to live it more fully in the coming week. Since this is not a typical Bible study that builds on information from previous weeks, don’t hesitate to join us as your schedule permits.

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Enter In! Bible Study

Enter In! Bible Study

Join us Monday evenings in the Parish Office Conference Room to build community while studying the upcoming Sunday Gospel. You will learn more about the passage, discuss the good news and the challenges to living it. You will leave with an idea of how to live it more fully in the coming week. Since this is not a typical Bible study that builds on information from previous weeks, don’t hesitate to join us as your schedule permits.

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Enter In! Bible Study

Enter In! Bible Study

Join us Monday evenings in the Parish Office Conference Room to build community while studying the upcoming Sunday Gospel. You will learn more about the passage, discuss the good news and the challenges to living it. You will leave with an idea of how to live it more fully in the coming week. Since this is not a typical Bible study that builds on information from previous weeks, don’t hesitate to join us as your schedule permits.

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Night of Healing

Night of Healing

Join us at Mary Immaculate and encounter the wonder of God through the power of the Holy Spirit at our adoration & healing prayer service. This free event is open to the public and an opportunity to come together for worship, adoration, confession and healing prayer.

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Enter In! Bible Study

Enter In! Bible Study

Join us Monday evenings in the Parish Office Conference Room to build community while studying the upcoming Sunday Gospel. You will learn more about the passage, discuss the good news and the challenges to living it. You will leave with an idea of how to live it more fully in the coming week. Since this is not a typical Bible study that builds on information from previous weeks, don’t hesitate to join us as your schedule permits.

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Enter In! Bible Study

Enter In! Bible Study

Join us Monday evenings in the Parish Office Conference Room to build community while studying the upcoming Sunday Gospel. You will learn more about the passage, discuss the good news and the challenges to living it. You will leave with an idea of how to live it more fully in the coming week. Since this is not a typical Bible study that builds on information from previous weeks, don’t hesitate to join us as your schedule permits.

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Enter In! Bible Study

Enter In! Bible Study

Join us Monday evenings in the Parish Office Conference Room to build community while studying the upcoming Sunday Gospel. You will learn more about the passage, discuss the good news and the challenges to living it. You will leave with an idea of how to live it more fully in the coming week. Since this is not a typical Bible study that builds on information from previous weeks, don’t hesitate to join us as your schedule permits.

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Armor of God

Armor of God

Do you enjoy our nights of healing and the prayerful atmosphere? Do you wish there was more time with our prayer teams to receive the healing and blessings you need? This event is for you!

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Enter In! Bible Study

Enter In! Bible Study

Join us Monday evenings in the Parish Office Conference Room to build community while studying the upcoming Sunday Gospel. You will learn more about the passage, discuss the good news and the challenges to living it. You will leave with an idea of how to live it more fully in the coming week. Since this is not a typical Bible study that builds on information from previous weeks, don’t hesitate to join us as your schedule permits.

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Night of Healing

Night of Healing

Join us at Mary Immaculate and encounter the wonder of God through the power of the Holy Spirit at our adoration & healing prayer service. This free event is open to the public and an opportunity to come together for worship, adoration, confession and healing prayer.

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Enter In! Bible Study

Enter In! Bible Study

Join us Monday evenings in the Parish Office Conference Room to build community while studying the upcoming Sunday Gospel. You will learn more about the passage, discuss the good news and the challenges to living it. You will leave with an idea of how to live it more fully in the coming week. Since this is not a typical Bible study that builds on information from previous weeks, don’t hesitate to join us as your schedule permits.

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Misión de Adviento

Misión de Adviento

El Padre González, originario de Puebla, México, fue ordenado en la Orden Salesiana en 1981 y comenzó su labor pastoral en la Diócesis de Dallas a finales de los años 80. Conocido por su dedicación a la comunidad hispana, desempeñó un papel clave en la educación a través de la Escuela de Formación Pastoral y ve el Sínodo de la Diócesis de Dallas como una oportunidad esperanzadora para aumentar la visibilidad y participación de los católicos hispanos en la gobernanza de la iglesia bajo el liderazgo del Obispo Edward J. Burns.

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Misión de Adviento

Misión de Adviento

El Padre González, originario de Puebla, México, fue ordenado en la Orden Salesiana en 1981 y comenzó su labor pastoral en la Diócesis de Dallas a finales de los años 80. Conocido por su dedicación a la comunidad hispana, desempeñó un papel clave en la educación a través de la Escuela de Formación Pastoral y ve el Sínodo de la Diócesis de Dallas como una oportunidad esperanzadora para aumentar la visibilidad y participación de los católicos hispanos en la gobernanza de la iglesia bajo el liderazgo del Obispo Edward J. Burns.

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Night of Healing

Night of Healing

Join us at Mary Immaculate and encounter the wonder of God through the power of the Holy Spirit at our adoration & healing prayer service. This free event is open to the public and an opportunity to come together for worship, adoration, confession and healing prayer.

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Advent Mission Speaker Series

Advent Mission Speaker Series

Keith Nester is a former Protestant Pastor and Catholic convert. Through the ministry of Down to Earth, Keith continues to use his preaching gifts to speak in churches and events about faith, theology and his journey to Catholicism. Suggested $20 donation for the evening which can be done through MIC online giving.

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Enter In! Bible Study

Enter In! Bible Study

Join us Monday evenings in the Parish Office Conference Room to build community while studying the upcoming Sunday Gospel. You will learn more about the passage, discuss the good news and the challenges to living it. You will leave with an idea of how to live it more fully in the coming week. Since this is not a typical Bible study that builds on information from previous weeks, don’t hesitate to join us as your schedule permits.

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Advent Mission Speaker Series

Advent Mission Speaker Series

Keith Nester is a former Protestant Pastor and Catholic convert. Through the ministry of Down to Earth, Keith continues to use his preaching gifts to speak in churches and events about faith, theology and his journey to Catholicism. Suggested $20 donation for the evening which can be done through MIC online giving.

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Enter In! Bible Study

Enter In! Bible Study

Join us Monday evenings in the Parish Office Conference Room to build community while studying the upcoming Sunday Gospel. You will learn more about the passage, discuss the good news and the challenges to living it. You will leave with an idea of how to live it more fully in the coming week. Since this is not a typical Bible study that builds on information from previous weeks, don’t hesitate to join us as your schedule permits.

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Enter In! Bible Study

Enter In! Bible Study

Join us Monday evenings in the Parish Office Conference Room to build community while studying the upcoming Sunday Gospel. You will learn more about the passage, discuss the good news and the challenges to living it. You will leave with an idea of how to live it more fully in the coming week. Since this is not a typical Bible study that builds on information from previous weeks, don’t hesitate to join us as your schedule permits.

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Enter In! Bible Study (Copy)

Enter In! Bible Study (Copy)

Join us Monday evenings in the Parish Office Conference Room to build community while studying the upcoming Sunday Gospel. You will learn more about the passage, discuss the good news and the challenges to living it. You will leave with an idea of how to live it more fully in the coming week. Since this is not a typical Bible study that builds on information from previous weeks, don’t hesitate to join us as your schedule permits.

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Enter In! Bible Study

Enter In! Bible Study

Join us Monday evenings in the Parish Office Conference Room to build community while studying the upcoming Sunday Gospel. You will learn more about the passage, discuss the good news and the challenges to living it. You will leave with an idea of how to live it more fully in the coming week. Since this is not a typical Bible study that builds on information from previous weeks, don’t hesitate to join us as your schedule permits.

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Night of Healing (Copy)

Night of Healing (Copy)

Join us at Mary Immaculate and encounter the wonder of God through the power of the Holy Spirit at our adoration & healing prayer service. This free event is open to the public and an opportunity to come together for worship, adoration, confession and healing prayer.

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Enter In! Bible Study

Enter In! Bible Study

Join us Monday evenings in the Parish Office Conference Room to build community while studying the upcoming Sunday Gospel. You will learn more about the passage, discuss the good news and the challenges to living it. You will leave with an idea of how to live it more fully in the coming week. Since this is not a typical Bible study that builds on information from previous weeks, don’t hesitate to join us as your schedule permits.

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Enter In! Bible Study

Enter In! Bible Study

Join us Monday evenings in the Parish Office Conference Room to build community while studying the upcoming Sunday Gospel. You will learn more about the passage, discuss the good news and the challenges to living it. You will leave with an idea of how to live it more fully in the coming week. Since this is not a typical Bible study that builds on information from previous weeks, don’t hesitate to join us as your schedule permits.

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All Souls’ Day Events

All Souls’ Day Events

All Souls’ Day events are as follows: 8am Mass, 4pm Viewing of All Souls Picture Displays, 4:30pm All Souls Day Vespers, 5pm Holy Sacrifice Vigil Mass, 7pm Bendicion del Altar de Muertos y Misa de Vigilia.

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Enter In! Bible Study

Enter In! Bible Study

Join us Monday evenings in the Parish Office Conference Room to build community while studying the upcoming Sunday Gospel. You will learn more about the passage, discuss the good news and the challenges to living it. You will leave with an idea of how to live it more fully in the coming week. Since this is not a typical Bible study that builds on information from previous weeks, don’t hesitate to join us as your schedule permits.

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Aquinas Lecture Series

Aquinas Lecture Series

During this 6-week series we will be delving into the richness of the sacrament of baptism. Jesus came to give us the fullness of life, and a part of that fullness is the gift of the Holy Spirit received at baptism.  Come study the Church’s teaching on Baptism to learn if there are some tools or resources that might help you live this fullness of life in Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit.

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Enter In! Bible Study

Enter In! Bible Study

Join us Monday evenings in the Parish Office Conference Room to build community while studying the upcoming Sunday Gospel. You will learn more about the passage, discuss the good news and the challenges to living it. You will leave with an idea of how to live it more fully in the coming week. Since this is not a typical Bible study that builds on information from previous weeks, don’t hesitate to join us as your schedule permits.

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Aquinas Lecture Series

Aquinas Lecture Series

During this 6-week series we will be delving into the richness of the sacrament of baptism. Jesus came to give us the fullness of life, and a part of that fullness is the gift of the Holy Spirit received at baptism.  Come study the Church’s teaching on Baptism to learn if there are some tools or resources that might help you live this fullness of life in Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit.

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