Religious Education
Religious Education
At Mary Immaculate, our religious education department seeks to educate the future of the Church in the faith, values, and morals of Catholicism. This classroom based model is rooted in the Word of Life books which include engaging videos, online and in-person interactions, and dynamic faith components. We look forward to walking with you and your family during this time of enrichment.
This program is tailored for youth in PreK through 6th grade.
When do we meet?
English: Every Wednesday from 6:15 pm to 7:30 pm
Spanish: Every Saturday from 9:00 am to 10:20 am OR 10:40 am to 12:00 pm
Please note: Prek and Kindergarten do not count as years for First Communion Preparation.
What is the pricing?
At Mary Immaculate, we want to offer you and your family with dynamic programs. The following covers the cost of books, materials, and more. We are happy to meet you where you are at, so if these prices are not reasonable for you, let’s chat!
Per Child | $125
Maria Jimenez
Religious Education Coordinator
Cecilia Hermes
Volunteer Catechist Coordinator Assistant
Sandra Bottomley
Volunteer Administrative Assistant
Here is a recap of our exciting 2022-2023 year!
Thank you to all our catechists and volunteers, who brought Christ’s light to our students.
Gracias a todos los catequistas y voluntarios por este maravilloso año.
At Mary Immaculate, if you are in 6th grade and have not received First Communion, we have a dual program that will prepare you for First Communion and Confirmation.
Interested in volunteering?
Visit our safe environment page.