At Mary Immaculate, we understand the importance of the Liturgy. The Sacraments provide movements of healing, grace, and communion in our daily lives.
We invite you to see if there is a ministry that you feel called to.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
At Mary Immaculate, we believe that the Lord is present in the Eucharistic. We are able to heal, grow, and rest in the Communion that God provides. If you feel called to minister to this need in a special way, you receive training to bring Jesus to the world.
Volunteers can decide to become an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion primarily in Mass, or you can bring Jesus to the sick and homebound. To receive training and begin volunteering, please contact us!
Lectors are trained readers who proclaim the Word of God to us during Mass. Lectors should be both baptized and confirmed Catholics. To sign up for training and to get on the Lector rotation list, please click here.
Volunteers prepare for each Mass by cleaning and setting out what is needed for the service. This includes vessels, appropriate amounts of hosts and wine, the linens, and candles.
All are welcome here. If you feel called to help everyone feel welcome and known here, let’s chat! Volunteers greet and welcome the community as they gather, help keep order and gather our gifts at the presentation of the gifts during Mass
Hospitality Ushers
At Mary Immaculate, we strive to create an atmosphere of beautiful music that enriches the prayerful experience at Mass and encourages participation throughout the Liturgy.
Join us on Thursday evenings from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm in the music room in the School.
The Altar is one of the most sacred spaces in our Sanctuary. To help elevate and honor the beauty of the Mass, our altar linens need regular washing and ironing.
Altar Linens
Altar Server Society
To learn more about how you/your child can help serve at Mass, learn more here!
To login to the liturgical ministry scheduling system,