Mary Immaculate will provide you with a booklet (Through Death to Life) that will assist you in selecting readings and prayers for the service.
Along with the readings, there are various times during the Mass when family and friends may serve; as lectors or gift bearers. These people do not need to be Catholic.
Please make your choices and return the Selection Sheet to Mary Immaculate at least 48 hours prior to the funeral.
Mary Immaculate will provide you with a list of appropriate songs to choose from. Four songs are needed: Entrance, Offertory, Communion and Recessional.
If the family desires, a family member or friend may share some Words of Remembrance at the end of the funeral. Please keep the time to 3-5 minutes. We recommend remarks are written down.
Mary Immaculate will provide, at no cost to you, a printed worship aid for the service.
Let’s Walk Together.
Who can you talk with?
For English, contact Clara Carneiro.
Para español, contacto Sonia Dimas o Belen Rosillo-Reyes.
We would love to help support you through this time.
For English, contact us.
Para español, contacto Sonia Dimas o Belen Rosillo-Reyes.
To pay the music minster fee, click here.
We will provide you with a booklet with all information, titled, “From Death to Life”.
Remembrance Mass
At Mary Immaculate, we understand that the Sacrifice of the Mass unties past, present, and future. If you would like to have a Mass offered for a loved one who has passed away, call our Office at 972.243.7104 or stop in during office hours to inquire about available dates. A $5 donation to the Church is requested for each Mass.